What are the Hidden Costs for Owning Your Own Home?

Though homeownership has many perks, there are some extra and unexpected expenses to watch out for.

Some costs are strictly financial and beyond your control to a large extent: property taxes and homeowners association (HOA) fees.

Homeowners' insurance can cost more than you expect if you live in a natural disaster-prone area.

The most costly part of homeownership typically relates to the upkeep and repairs of the roof; the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems.

Okay it’s not so scary when you have the right realtor to help you through the process.

Together with my clients mortgage lender I calculate the tax rate, home owners insurance, HOA fees and add that together with their mortgage. I present that in one easy number so the know exactly what they will be paying monthly.

Also I inform my client of areas of interest marketed on the sellers disclosure form: age of roof, HVAC, heating system, and hot water heater. The sellers disclose will also note if there is any HOA fee to be paid annually. Some neighborhoods do and some don’t. I inform my clients prior to looking at a home, as some HOA’s can be expensive.

I give all my clients a list of home inspectors that can check the home to make sure there are not any obvious issues that will cost BIG after the closing.

Even after the closing I continue to sever my clients by providing my contact list of business professionals; Mostly from my Bluegrass Referral Group to help keep their home running like a well oiled machine. These are people I know and trust to get the job done right!

When you are informed correctly, the home buying process doesn’t have to be scary.

Contact me today for your Real Estate Needs

Chantelle Pressley


Commonwealth Real Estate Professionals

Google: Pressley Properties, LLC


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